Trucks Dealers Volvo (Reus)

Along the highway from Reus Tarragona, in what is now the Technopark Reus, lies the Volvo truck dealer.

The whole building is composed of three distinct elements, the workshop, offices and service – exhibition.

The space for the workshop is located on the south side, rectangular 80 x 24 m, consists of 10 modules with direct access to each module from the outside. The services are the central part of the whole, and act as an intermediate piece between the workshop and the show room.

There are dependencies necessary for the workshop on the ground floor and offices on the first floor.

The show room is a great piece curtain wall to the highway Reus Tarragona. The whole show room is situated on a large platform – place, so that vehicles can be exhibited to both the inside and outside.


  • Location: Reus (Tarragona)
  • Project date: 1987
  • Construction date: 1988-1989
  • Area: 3,709 m²
  • Budget: 721,215 €