Secondary School ‘IES Martí l’Humà’ (Montblanc)
Outside the walls of Montblanc, is in an area where other public buildings are located the Secondary School ‘IES Martí l’Humà’.
The planned project aims to integrate the different parts of the center, both the existing and the newly created.
A tangential way has been designed from south to north which finished in the new gymnasium.
At the end of this way is the access to the center.
The extension itself is available as an extension of the side sections of the existing building. On the street side of the Guardia dels Prats, there are classrooms and laboratories, on the other side of the room, alumni association and APA. These two pieces are joined to form the body of high Departments.
Following the way south north, and once crossed the ditch Mas Bulló is situated in a semi-underground gym, and a wooded area that is in front. In the remaining free space, are placed two sports courts.